Manuel* loves sharing the hope of God’s Word with his people . . . but it isn’t always easy.
He lives in a small community tucked high up in the mountains of Peru. They are a poor and isolated people who do not speak the national language of Spanish. So, when Manuel tried to share Scripture in Spanish with his people, even he didn’t understand all of it.
But the compassion of American Bible Society financial partners changed everything. Their faithful gifts support translation efforts for the indigenous people of Peru, like those in Manuel’s community.
Thanks to their ongoing generosity, Manuel and those who speak Apurímac Quechua finally received a New Testament in their heart language!
“When I read the New Testament for the first time, I gave thanks to God that it was in our language so that we could read and understand and worship God,” he says. “I can preach in my language with the New Testament and help the people read the Word for themselves. They easily understand what God’s Word is saying now.”
Manuel says God’s Word is a guide that helps his people live in their faith. “When I read Scripture more, it corrects my errors through what the Word is saying in my language.”
Translation efforts for the Old Testament continue for those in Manuel’s community. The ongoing support of our partners allows us to continue providing Bibles in the heart languages of people like Manuel in Peru and throughout South America.
*Name changed to protect privacy.