One of God’s greatest gifts to humanity is the ability to make choices. He allows us to choose whether we will accept or reject his salvation, obey or disobey his instructions, and follow or ignore his purposes for our lives.

God will not force us to do his will, but he will always extend to us an invitation to embrace the light of his Son Jesus.

Jesus came to the world so that, instead of choosing to walk in the darkness of sin and brokenness, we would walk in the light of his love, protection, and guidance.

But the choice is ours.

In this episode of the Prayer Snapshot, we look at Jesus’s invitation to Nicodemus to choose him, the light of life. We also discuss God’s invitation to people around the world who are living in the darkness of trauma and how they can choose God’s healing and comfort.

Don’t miss this episode.

Play Episode 34

Prayer Snapshot: Episode #34 — Called Out of Darkness from American Bible Society on Vimeo.