But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. 

Matthew 9:36 NKJV  



God is moved with compassion toward us, and because of his compassion and care for us, we never have to fear what life may bring. 

In Matthew 9, after reading that Jesus heals several individual people, we read that he goes into cities and villages, teaching the gospel and healing every sickness and disease among the people. Scripture says he was “moved with compassion” for the people because they were tired and scattered, like sheep with no shepherd (verse 36). Jesus did not just see the crowd as one massive human unit; he saw and understood each individual person who passed or locked eyes with him. Scripture tells us that the very hairs on our head are all numbered, meaning that God knows and cares about the most intricate details of every one of us (Matthew 10:30-31). 

Let’s picture the experience of someone in those cities that day Jesus healed people. Imagine you’re a resident of one of those cities, walking down the main street. You’ve heard rumors of a healer in town, and now notice a man who seems to be healing a friend of yours who has been lame from birth. You watch with mouth agape in surprise and awe, as your lame friend now stands up in confidence, then jumps up and down with joy. At that moment, the man who healed him meets your shocked glance. He gives you a smile that immediately sends peace deep into your soul; in his eyes are a compassion and kindness you’ve never seen before. You realize he must be the promised one to come – the Messiah, the answer to life’s questions, the healer. He’s the one you’ve waited for your whole life. 

That is Jesus – our savior. Jesus, who was moved with compassion for each individual, looks at you with the same compassion. He desperately wants you to know you’re fully known and deeply loved. We can find satisfaction and fulfillment in no other; Jesus is the only one who can fully heal our brokenness. He is fully trustworthy, promises that he is with us always (Matthew 28:20), and keeps all his promises (Deuteronomy 7:9). With Him, the God of compassion, there is no reason to worry or fear.