When did the events in the Bible take place? This reading guide gives a historical and chronological perspective to your daily Bible reading.
- Creation Genesis 1.1—2.25
- Adam and Eve in the Garden and the First Sin Genesis 3.1-24
- Cain and Abel and the Murder Genesis 4.1-16
- Noah and the Flood Genesis 6—9
- The Tower of Babel Genesis 11.1-9
1900 B.C.
- The Call of Abraham (Abram) Genesis 12.1-9
- Abram and Lot Separate Genesis 13.1-18
- Hagar and the Birth of Ishmael Genesis 16.1-16
- Abraham and Sarah and the Birth of Isaac Genesis 18.1-15; 21.1-8
- Isaac and Rebekah and the Birth of Esau and Jacob Genesis 24; 25.19-26
- Jacob Marries Leah and Rachel Genesis 29.15-30
- The Birth of Jacob’s Children Genesis 29.31—30.24; 35.16-26
1800 B.C.
- Joseph and His Brothers Genesis 37
- Joseph in Egypt Genesis 39—50
1700 –1290 B.C.
- The Israelites are Enslaved in Egypt Exodus 1
1290 –1250 B.C.
- The Birth of Moses and Moses’ Call from God Exodus 2.1—4.23
- Celebration of the Passover Exodus 12
- Moses Leads the Israelites Out of Egypt Exodus 13.17—15.21
- The Israelites Wander in the Desert Exodus 15.22—16.36
- Moses Receives the Law on Mount Sinai (The Ten Commandments) Exodus 19.1—20.17
- Joshua Leads the People into Canaan Joshua 1—12
1200 –1050 B.C.
- The LORD Chooses Leaders (Judges) for Israel Judges 2
- Deborah and Barak Judges 4—5
- Gideon Judges 6.11—8.35
- Samson Judges 14—16
- Ruth and Naomi Ruth 1—4
- Samuel, Israel’s First Prophet 1 Samuel 1.1—4.1; 7.3-17
1030 –1010 B.C.
- Saul, Israel’s First King 1 Samuel 9.1—11.15
1010 – 970 B.C.
- David Becomes King of Judah Samuel 2.1-11
- David Becomes King of Israel 2 2 Samuel 5—7
970 – 931 B.C.
- Solomon Succeeds David as King 1 Kings 1.28—2.12
931 – 910 B.C.
- The Two Israelite Kingdoms and the Reign of Jeroboam and Rehoboam 1 Kings 11.26—14.31
874 – 853 B.C.
- The Reign of King Ahab; Elijah the Prophet Kills the Prophets of Baal 1 Kings 18
722 B.C.
- The Fall of Samaria and the Northern Kingdom 2 Kings 17.5-23; Hosea; Amos
586 B.C.
- The Fall of Jerusalem and the Southern Kingdom 2 Kings 24.1—25.21; Isaiah 1—39; Micah; Habakkuk; Zephaniah
586 – 538 B.C.
- Judah in Exile Psalm 137; Isaiah 40—55; Jeremiah 21—33; Ezekiel 33—39
539 – 333 B.C.
- Persian Rule
538 B.C.
- Cyrus of Persia Allows the Jews to Return Home and to Rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem Ezra 1.1-4; 3.7-13; Isaiah 45, 56—66; Haggai
445 – 443 B.C.
- The Walls of Jerusalem are Rebuilt Nehemiah 2.11—3.32
550 – 400 B.C.
- Books of the Pentateuch written
333 – 166 B.C.
- The Hellenistic Period 1 Maccabees 1.1-9
- Alexander the Great (333-323 B.C.) 3 Maccabees
- The Ptolemies, descendants of one of Alexander’s generals, rule over Egypt and Palestine (323-198 B.C.). The Jews in Egypt suffer under the rule King Ptolemy IV Philopater (221-203 B.C.) 4 Maccabees 3.20—4.26
- The Seleucids, descendants of one of Alexander’s generals, rule over Syria and Palestine (198-166 B.C.)
300 – 200 B.C.
- Books of the Prophets written
200 – 100 B.C.
- The Septuagint, a Greek translation of the Old Testament, completed
166 – 63 B.C.
The Maccabean Period: Judas Maccabeus Leads a Revolt 1 Maccabees 3.1—5.68
63 B.C. – A.D. 637
- The Roman Period: The Roman general Pompey takes Jerusalem (63 B.C.), and Palestine is ruled by puppet kings appointed by Rome. One of these is Herod the Great who rules from 37 B.C.– 4 B.C.
4 B.C.
- The Birth of John the Baptist Luke 1.57-80
- The Birth and Childhood of Jesus Matthew 1.18-25; Luke 2.1-52
- Herod the Great Seeks to Kill Jesus Matthew 2.1-15
- The Preaching of John the Baptist Matthew 3.1-12
- The Baptism of Jesus and Jesus’ Temptation by Satan Matthew 3.13—4.11
- Jesus Begins His Ministry Matthew 4.12-25
- Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5—7
A.D. 32
- The Lord’s Supper Luke 22.7-23
- The Trial, Death, and John 18.1—20.31
- Resurrection of Jesus
- The Ascension of Jesus into Heaven Acts 1.6-11
- The Coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Acts 2.1-13
- Peter’s Sermon and the Ministry of Jesus’ Followers Acts 2.14-47
- Stephen is Martyred Acts 6.8—8.2
- Philip Baptizes an Ethiopian Official Acts 8.26-40
A.D. 37
- The Conversion of Paul on the Road to Damascus Acts 9.1-19
A.D. 41 – A.D. 65
- The Ministry of Paul and His Final Imprisonment Acts 13—28
A.D. 50 – 60
- Paul’s Letters written
A.D. 70
- Jerusalem is Destroyed by the Romans Mark 13.1,2 (predicted by Jesus)
A.D. 70 – 100
- Gospels written
A.D. 81 – A.D. 91
- The Roman emperor Domitian tried to make Christians worship the emperor as a god.
- John of Patmos Writes to Seven Churches in Asia Minor Revelation 1.1—3.22
- The New Creation Revelation 21.1—22.5
- Jesus Will Come Again Revelation 22.6-21
A.D. 100
- Canon of the Old Testament finalized