
Psalm 93: Today’s reading is a hymn to God as King. In this brief psalm, God is affirmed as the mighty king whose eternal laws testify to his universal rule.

Today’s Key Verse: Psalm 93:2

Your throne, O LORD, has been firm from the beginning, and you existed before time began.


93 The Lord is king.
He is clothed with majesty and strength.
The earth is set firmly in place
and cannot be moved.
Your throne, O Lord, has been firm from the beginning,
and you existed before time began.

The ocean depths raise their voice, O Lord;
they raise their voice and roar.
The Lord rules supreme in heaven,
greater than the roar of the ocean,
more powerful than the waves of the sea.

Your laws are eternal, Lord,
and your Temple is holy indeed,
forever and ever.


The title “King” is often used for God in the Psalms. God rules the whole universe, which he created. How is God the King described in this psalm? What does it mean to you to have the Lord God as King?


Sovereign God, you are King and rule supreme in heaven and on earth. You are clothed in majesty and strength. Rule in my heart and teach me to follow your laws. In your holy name, I pray. Amen.

Tomorrow’s Reading

Psalm 95: A call to worship God.