“Are you okay?”

It’s a simple question that can stop you in your tracks—often because you’re afraid that the worries, sorrows, and stresses you keep buried in your heart have somehow become visible.

What’s your most common answer?

“Oh, sure, I’m just tired.”

“Yeah, I just have a lot on my mind today.”

“Work’s been really busy—you know how it is.”

“Sure. How about you?”

Sometimes, these answers are genuine. But we often use them to mask a deeper issue: a heart troubled by anxiety, grief, or fear.

Whether your heart is overwhelmed by a dozen smaller issues or burdened by one difficult situation, life with a troubled heart is often marked by discouragement, distraction, and despair. We struggle to enjoy and thank God for the good gifts he gives us. We fail to love people the way we should. We spend countless hours thinking about what we fear, what we’re angry about, or what we’re grieving.

God knows our hearts better than we do. He created us with care, and he made us to be in a life-giving relationship with him. When we accept his invitation of eternal life in Jesus Christ, we aren’t just receiving the gift of salvation. We’re also receiving the only remedy for hearts troubled by the cares of this world.

If you’re not okay today, God is here. He promises peace for troubled hearts. He offers comfort in our lowest moments. And he tells us that he will never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5b). Embrace his promises and find fresh hope in these three reminders from God’s Word!

3 Biblical Reminders for a Troubled Heart

God offers peace.

“I give you peace, the kind of peace only I can give. It isn’t like the peace this world can give. So don’t be worried or afraid.” John 14:27 CEV

When our hearts are troubled, a natural response is to seek peace from some external source. We distract ourselves with work, entertainment, relationships, or hobbies. We read up on all the latest self-improvement methods and try to transform our lives from the inside-out. Or we lower our expectations for ourselves, believing that peace can be achieved simply by removing stressors. While we can sometimes distract ourselves from suffering or sorrow for a short time, there is no earthly cure for a troubled heart.

The Bible tells us that God knows the contents of our hearts (1 Kings 8:39). Only he has the power to transform troubled hearts with his perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3). And, unlike the world’s peace, God’s peace is built on the sure foundation of his love for us in Jesus Christ. This means that, in every circumstance, we can count on finding the peace God promises when we run to him.

God offers comfort.

Praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! The Father is a merciful God, who always gives us comfort. He comforts us when we are in trouble, so that we can share this same comfort with others in trouble. 2 Corinthians 1:3–4 CEV

A troubled heart can make you feel alone. We often come up with excuses for not sharing our struggles with those around us. Who could possibly understand what you’re going through? How do you put into words the pain you’re feeling? What if people judge your worries to be too small or insignificant? Or what if they ignore your anxieties? Too often, we believe that it’s impossible to find comfort or relief.

Scripture teaches us that God is a generous comforter. Many of the psalms, like Psalm 91, focus on listing the ways God protects, provides for, and comforts those who trust in him. Through our relationship with Jesus, we are invited to bring every worry and care to a loving heavenly Father. And, as we receive comfort from him, we are enabled to comfort each other, too.

God offers presence.

You have shown me the path to life, and you make me glad by being near to me. Sitting at your right side, I will always be joyful. Psalm 16:11 CEV

When our hearts are overwhelmed by troubles, we can lose sight of God’s presence in our lives. We might think that he isn’t paying attention when we’re crushed by sorrow or buffeted by fear. We might even believe that we are so lost in sin that God can no longer reach us.

The Bible tells us that God is always near to us. When we cry out for help, he promises to answer. He draws close to us when we pray (Psalm 145:17–18). And when we confess our sins to him, we can trust that he will forgive us (1 John 1:9). God’s presence brings joy, even in the darkest circumstance. The next time you feel your heart weighed down by troubles, take a moment to reflect on the peace, comfort, and presence God offers to you—and rejoice in his love!

We hope that you were blessed by these three biblical reminders for troubled hearts! To continue exploring God’s promises, download this free prayer guide and learn how to use Scripture to bring your troubles to your loving Savior.

Cast Your Cares Prayer Guide