Here’s some exciting news! We’ve heard reports lately of how God is using the Bibles and Scripture resources provided by our financial partners to spark a revival among our Troops!

“There are reports that I’ve been receiving from the field out there, that there is a stirring of the Spirit of God in some of these training bases right now,” says Dr. Kenneth Bush, a reverend and retired senior chaplain in the military.

According to reports, our Troops — especially recruits — are increasingly hungry for truth and relevancy. They are finding it in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and are fueling a great move of God among the ranks.

“There are lots and lots of conversions to the Lord, and lots of baptisms. I’m excited about what the Lord will do because I know also in the history of revival in the United States, that the military has often been one of the first places that it manifests itself,” Bush says.

In the past two years, some military chaplains have reported tens of thousands of professions of faith and thousands of baptisms. Praise God!

There are more than 18 million U.S. Veterans today and 1.3 million active duty Service Members. And while most of us have cut travel and stayed in isolation during the COVID-19 outbreak, many of our Troops have not had this luxury. Similar to our healthcare professionals, many of our brave Troops were on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic and in need of the comfort of God’s Word more than ever.

American Bible Society’s tradition of delivering God’s Word to American Service Members dates back to 1817. But requests for Bibles are skyrocketing! We are so grateful for the support of our financial partners whose gifts fuel the faith of our Troops as they defend our freedoms in some of the most hostile areas of the world.