Apocalyptic Writing
The Bible is full of dreams, visions and fantastic images. How should the modern reader understand these apocalyptic writings? Read more to find out. Apocalyptic Writing The word “apocalyptic” comes from a Greek word, “apokalypsis,” meaning revealing or unveiling. In the Bible, Daniel in the Old Testament and Revelation in… Read More
Acts of Mercy
Justice, generosity, kindness. All of these ideas are involved in the biblical understanding of mercy. In the Bible, God’s people are encouraged to respond to God’s blessings by helping others and giving generously to the poor. The giving of gifts (alms) to the needy is strongly encouraged, and those… Read More
Redeemer (Redemption)
The word “redeemer” appeared in the Old Testament, but the idea carried over into the New Testament. Learn more about the background of this idea. In the Old Testament, a redeemer ( goel in Hebrew) was a person who bought back property or a house that had… Read More
Purity (Clean and Unclean)
It’s easy to get dirty. You could touch a dead animal, eat the wrong kind of food or be exposed to a contagious skin disease. Read about why purity is important in the Old and New Testaments. Ancient Israel defined being pure in three ways: (1) to be free… Read More