Bible Study Guide: Galatians

Galatians transformed the course of history and inspired millions of believers (including Martin Luther) with its profound message of “salvation by grace through faith.” What makes Galatians special? Paul’s letter to the Galations is very personal, providing help to understand Paul’s character and his strong beliefs. The letter also… Read More

Bible Study Guide: Ephesians

With unity in the body of Christ as a central theme, Ephesians contains instructions about how to live as one church, despite the differences that attempt to divide Christians. What makes Ephesians special? The letter of Ephesians summarizes many of the important teachings found in the letters of the… Read More

Bible Study Guide: Philippians

Written as a “thank you” note to Paul’s friends in Philippi, this book also contains passages on the importance of humility and living like Christ. What makes Philippians special? The apostle Paul wrote this letter to the Lord’s followers at Philippi while he was in jail in a city… Read More

Bible Study Guide: Colossians

Truth is important. The author wrote to the Colossians to make sure they understood the truth about who Christ is and how they could live to honor Christ. What makes Colossians unique? The apostle Paul writes in his letters about the great change that is soon to come when… Read More

The Gospels and Acts

The four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) present various accounts of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Acts gives a detailed report of what happened to some of Jesus’ early followers as they carried the message about Jesus from Jerusalem to the other areas of the Roman Empire. Read More

Historical Books

Christians call the Old Testament books that follow the Pentateuch, beginning with Joshua and ending with Esther, the Historical Books. These books describe Israel’s history as a people in the land of Canaan. The final book of the Pentateuch, Deuteronomy, ends with the tribes of Israel camped in… Read More

The Old Testament

The “Old Testament” is the name Christians have given to the Jewish Scriptures and the first part of the Christian Bible. When the earliest Christians quoted from “Scripture,” they quoted from the Jewish Scriptures. The “Old Testament” is the name Christians have given to the Jewish Scriptures and the… Read More

The Pentateuch

The “Pentateuch” is a term used to describe the first five books of the Old Testament (Genesis—Deuteronomy). In the Jewish Scriptures these books are referred to as the Law, or Torah, a Hebrew word that means “guide” or “instruction”. The “Pentateuch” is a term used to describe the first… Read More

Prophetic Books

The books beginning with Isaiah and ending with Malachi belong to a section of the Christian Bible called the Prophetic Books. These books record God’s messages to the people of Israel and Judah in the form of speeches or sermons, visions, and life experiences of prophets who preached between about… Read More

Books of Wisdom and Poetry

The Books of Wisdom and Poetry, Job through Song of Songs, make up the section of the Christian Bible that follows the Pentateuch and the Historical Books. The Books of Wisdom and Poetry, Job through Song of Songs, make up the section of the Christian Bible that follows the… Read More