God’s Saving Word: Joy


Isaiah 9:2–7: Because King Ahaz preferred to seek an alliance with Assyria rather than relying on God, Isaiah warned of an Assyrian attack and God’s coming judgment against Judah (8:1—9:1). After a time of trouble is foretold, Isaiah speaks words of hope about the coming of a righteous king and his reign of justice and peace.

Scripture Reading

The people who walked in darkness
    have seen a great light.
They lived in a land of shadows,
    but now light is shining on them.
You have given them great joy,[a] Lord;
    you have made them happy.
They rejoice in what you have done,
    as people rejoice when they harvest grain
    or when they divide captured wealth.
For you have broken the yoke that burdened them
    and the rod that beat their shoulders.
You have defeated the nation
    that oppressed and exploited your people,
    just as you defeated the army of Midian long ago.
The boots of the invading army
    and all their bloodstained clothing
    will be destroyed by fire.
A child is born to us!
    A son is given to us!
    And he will be our ruler.
He will be called, “Wonderful[b] Counselor,”
    “Mighty God,” “Eternal Father,”
    “Prince of Peace.”
His royal power will continue to grow;
    his kingdom will always be at peace.
He will rule as King David’s successor,
    basing his power on right and justice,
    from now until the end of time.
The Lord Almighty is determined to do all this.

Today’s Key Verse: Isaiah 9:6

A child is born to us! A son is given to us! And he will be our ruler. He will be called “Wonderful Counselor,” “Mighty God,” “Eternal Father,” Prince of Peace.”


In Christian tradition, verses 6 and 7 are interpreted as referring to the coming of the messianic king. How are this king and his kingdom described? What promise is given? What verses speak to you of hope?


Lord God Almighty, your reign is eternal. You are our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, and Prince of Peace. Trusting in your promises, I am filled with hope, and I praise your glorious name. Amen.

And now, join us in prayer for the many people in Cameroon who long to know God through God’s Word. Gracious God, due to challenges like illiteracy and poverty, many people in Cameroon are unable to learn about you. But thanks to the support of Bible-A-Month Partners, the Gospel is reaching people in Cameroon and leading them to Christ. Because of Bible listening groups, people’s lives are being transformed after listening to audio Bibles. Those who cannot read are beginning to understand what your Word says, and hearing the Gospel is fostering their growth in faith. We praise you, Lord God, that, thanks to the faithful and generous support of Bible-A-Month Partners in providing print and audio Bibles, both young and old in Cameroon are committing their lives to Jesus. Amen.

Tomorrow’s Reading

Isaiah 12:1–6: A time of singing and praise is envisioned.