“We were in the darkness . . .”

Imagine not knowing much of what goes on around you because you don’t understand the language — even among your own people. That is the isolation and fear many deaf people live with daily. Sign languages — over 400 in the world — have their own syntax and… Read More

A Life of Sin Transformed by the Bible

Nguyen* was running a small business in Vietnam when he first realized something was wrong in his life. His sole focus in life was work, and he felt very stressed and worn out. “I knew there had to be more to life than this,” he says. One… Read More

Bringing the Bible to the Deaf in Vietnam.

There are more than 1 million people in Vietnam who are deaf. The majority of these people are ostracized from society and were never taught to read. They have been denied not only educational opportunities, but also the chance to know their Creator through the Bible. Too often, our… Read More

Leaving Paganism to Serve God

Animal sacrifices. Pagan traditions. Zoe* and her husband didn’t know another way. All they knew living in a small mountain village in Laos was the traditional religion of Hmong. But when Zoe’s husband began showing signs of a mysterious illness, they needed something real and powerful. “For about 13 years,… Read More

“I know Jesus loves me.”

“Jesus loves me! This I know, for the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong; they are weak, but He is strong.” Remember this beloved children’s hymn from Sunday School? Sadly, many little ones around the world haven’t yet discovered God’s love. Thankfully, through the… Read More

“The Bible Gave Me a New Life!”

Rina* had a difficult life in her Southeast Asian country, where four out of five people live on less than $2.50 a day. Without God’s leading, a job, or prospects, Rina descended into sin and despair. She developed destructive habits. One bad decision seemed to lead to another. Read More

“It’s like I’m listening to God …”

As a child in Cambodia, 11-year-old Dara* has known little but poverty and struggle in his short life. Most people in his small village are poor farmers, and the stress and pressure can cause trouble in a family. Dara hates it when his “parents fight and argue …… Read More

“This Bible is the light of my life!”

Barsha’s* life before the orphanage was one of heartache and struggle. Like one-in-four Bangladeshis, Barsha’s family lives below the poverty line. Her family’s home was a humble bamboo shelter. There were few opportunities in her area, and her father struggled with illness. “I was very poor and was living in… Read More

“I get everything in the Bible.”

Growing up in Bangladesh, Adi* was very lonely. He remembers there was never enough of anything — food, love, or attention. When he was seven years old, Adi’s life changed. His barren life became even bleaker. “My mother went away with another guy, leaving my father behind,” Adi… Read More

Hearing and Heeding God’s Call

Remembering his childhood in the mountainous regions of North Vietnam, Bao* knows that God has long had His hand on his life. God protected Bao as a child, kept him safe as he grew up, and later gave him a vision that he would serve God. It started when Bao… Read More