Providing Bibles for Hurting People in Vietnam

When she was just 10, Linh* and her mother fled their home to escape Linh’s abusive father. They sold books on the street to survive. But when Linh’s mother realized she was pregnant, she returned home. Not wanting to relive the violence of her youth, Linh decided to fend for… Read More

“I would go to sleep clutching the Bible to my heart.”

Keilana* has spent her life looking after others. As is common in her Hmong culture, she never went to school — only boys got that opportunity. She instead had to stay home and care for her seven siblings. Her culture celebrates shamanism and ancestor worship, and many believe that sickness… Read More

No Children’s Bibles in Kyrgyzstan?

For many years, there were no children’s Bibles in Kyrgyzstan. Thanks to your support, that’s no longer the case. Now, kids are discovering God’s love for them as they read and illustrate their Bibles in Russian and Kyrgyz, Kyrgyzstan’s core languages. Sara*, a third grader who received a Bible, has… Read More

Lives Are Changed at a Bible Camp in the Armenian Mountains

The Ecumenical Bible Camp in Armenia aimed to sow love, respect, and understanding among young girls in Armenia through daily Bible studies, song and dance, hiking, art, and more. Many lives were transformed during this camp. Camilla, 15, says, “It isn’t so easy to change an atheist, yet the camp… Read More

God’s Word Transforms a Shaman in Laos

Palani* was a practicing shaman in Laos for many years who would say he was surrounded by evil spirits. Palani tried to battle and leverage these spirits to heal people. But after witchcraft failed to heal his father when he was sick, Palani was very upset. He heard about Jesus… Read More

Taking the Bible to Open Hearts in Remote Mongolia

Sanchir lives in the remote mountains of Mongolia, many miles from the nearest city. Before receiving her Bible, Sanchir used to live solely for herself. But now that she’s discovered God’s Word, she’s a changed woman. She and her family were so grateful to receive their very… Read More

Believers in Rural China Grateful to Receive God’s Word

She always has a smile on her face, but Yu Yan has lived a difficult life. Born with a joint defect, her feet are turned backward. (And as a result, she’s playfully nicknamed herself “East-West.”) She and her husband earn their living as farmers in a rural province. The harsh… Read More

In China, a Widow Finds Hope Through God’s Word

Li Layun’s life may be very different from yours. She lives in very poor conditions in rural China as a farm worker. As a widow, she faced heartbreak when her husband died and she was responsible for raising her children. Later, one of Li’s sons died. She experienced severe… Read More